A Lover’s Tale.

Rain fell today. 

You were laying in your bed and I was laying in mine. We woke up wishing for each others embrace. A single tear slithered down my cheek – warm and painful. That was the only embrace I would wake up with. 

The sun shone today.

I walked around almost unclad in my home. You walked around in the sun, handkerchief in your hand. An embrace was needed on both sides but no one to render such. Goosebumps designed my upper arm,as close to an embrace as I could get. 

Dark skies formed today

Someone was embracing me in their bed. Your bed was empty. An embrace so cold and tight. The tears spilled out fast and low. The only embrace I could get. The only touch I craved but didn’t get.

The sun scorched today.

I felt the embrace in the bath tub. You woke up cold as always. The blade slashed my skin over and over. What an embrace! Cold, painful and flowing. The best release, the worst embrace. 

 Rain fell today.

You embraced me. No, you embraced the memory of me as it was being wheeled away. You held yourself in a long embrace for months. Waking up cold and empty. Your embrace was finally felt as you threw the sand with your final goodbye. The warmest embrace I could ask for.

The sun shone today. 

                                        – SoulFullOfSeyi.

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